Our first pit stop for the day was San Marco Square. Its just 7mins away from our apartment. Since Qistinna yesterday showed sign that she malas nak jalan. Kejap kejap 'I'm tired', 'I'm tired' jer and berebut ngan adik nak duduk dlm stroller. So, we used d baby carrier to carry Arianna (nasib baik terfikir nak bawa). Bukan main suka si kenit tue dlm carrier. Hehe.. Owh, the weather? Very hot!! Of course its not as hot as Malaysia, but compare from where we came from, mmg panasla.
So we walked around San Marco. Looked through all the interesting shops. Most of it selling souvenirs. The square was huge and there were plethora of shops and restaurants. There were small stalls selling souvenirs in the middle too but i think they were overpriced. Dalam tengah round2 tue, boleh terserempak dgn Melayu.. :)

Then we went to HardRock Cafe (a must go place for all of the cities that we visit!). As usual bought t-shirts for both of us.

Aaahhh.. The Gondolas..

Then we rode on the water bus towards Rialto Market. I love going through the Grand Canal as the view was breathtaking.
Rialto Market, another tourist attraction, is the place where the locals get their fresh stocks of fish, seafood, veggies, fruits, etc.. It also has a dry market where there were plentiful of souvenir shops. As for souvenirs, if you ask me, here is slightly cheaper than San Marco as well as abundance of choice too.
Rialto Market, another tourist attraction, is the place where the locals get their fresh stocks of fish, seafood, veggies, fruits, etc.. It also has a dry market where there were plentiful of souvenir shops. As for souvenirs, if you ask me, here is slightly cheaper than San Marco as well as abundance of choice too.
Rialto Bridge

Rialto Market

Looking for nice souvenirs..

After spending couple of hours & couple of €€ as well, hehe, we decided to walk to San Marco. Of course we can take the water bus, but why not explore d place by walking, right?? It took us almost an hour ++ to walked back. Well of course there were lots of stopping due to tiredness + melayan kerenah dua budak kecik nie, and some window shopping.. ;)

Originally we wanted to go to Murano Island since we had time (although it was not in the itinerary). But we had to cancelled the plan since Abah got a headache and the last boat to Murano was 4.45pm (it was already 4.15pm at that time). Takut nnti pergi ke sana, takde boat nak balik je. So, Abah went back to apartment to get some rest and us went to explore nearby area.
OOooh, behind the San Marco there were lots of shopping alleys. Most of the branded boutique was here and resembled Sloane Street. I did go into Gucci & Prada, but sadly i didn't buy anything bcoz its expensive. I rather wait and buy during sale in the UK. Lagi murah & puas hati.
Look at this huge cruise ship..

bestnya jalan2 italy, itu parents mimie ke johan?? kami ni sejak balik ke m'sia tak sempat nak cuti2 m'sia dah...
ReplyDeleteTue parents mimi. Bawa diorang jalan2 sekali. Selalunya bila kat malaysia, biasala kita kurang jalan sebab kita tinggal kat situ. Tapi kat oversea nie, kena travel sbb nak kejar time takut nnti dah nak kena balik msia, tak habis cover jalan pula.